Abstract submission rules and guidelines


European Congress on eCardiology and eHealth 2017

Join the cardiovascular community in Berlin & present your research !

Abstracts can only be submitted via this online Abstract Submission Service.

Submission deadline is Monday 26 June, 2017, 23:59 CEST (Central European Summer Time).
No late submission will be accepted.


Once on the abstract submission system, you will have to create your personal account. Please find the procedure here below.

It is simple to set up your personal account and submit your abstract!
First of all, click on the button marked 'CLICK HERE FOR YOUR FIRST SUBMISSION' and follow the steps:

  1. Enter your email address. It will be used to log into your personal account each time you visit the website.
  2. Create your password. Your password should be easy for you to remember, something personal and at least 5 characters long.
  3. Enter your personal information. All boxes highlighted in bold are mandatory information and you will not be able to save your details unless these are completed. Click “Next”.

A summary of your account information will appear on the screen. To finalize the procedure, please be sure to click on 'Create Account', otherwise your information will not be saved.

Please keep your login and password in an easy to retrieve location! It will be requested in order to read the online acceptance letters once they have been sent to authors.
Information will be sent only to the « contact author », for the e-mail address registered on login.
This is why we recommend you provide the contact details of the presenting author when creating your author account.

Changes and corrections: Once submitted, it is not possible to make any corrections to the abstract content or information (such as authors list and details, topic, conclusion(s) etc...). In order to correct your abstract you must withdraw it and submit a new corrected version prior to the deadline (See below for withdrawal procedure). Note that, such replacement of your abstract is not possible after the deadline. In the case of errors in your abstract discovered after the deadline, you may indicate the correction during the presentation at the congress. However, changes will not be included in the publications. If accepted, your abstract will be published as submitted.

Withdrawal: If you want to withdraw an abstract already submitted, please notify us as quickly as possible at support-ecardio@europa-organisation.com stating the title and number of the abstract to be withdrawn.
Note that, withdrawals are still accepted after the submission deadline but abstracts may still appear in publications. All abstract withdrawal requests must be received in writing (via e-mail) by July 2017 to avoid printed publications. 


The title should be indicative of the abstract content and be written in lower-case and not in capital letters. Capital letters should be used only at the beginning of a sentence, for abbreviations, study names or for proper nouns.

Do not include authors, institutions, city names, trademarks, special symbols, characters and uncommon abbreviations in the title.

Select one topic from the list of topics which best describes the content. Make sure you select the appropriate topic/best matching topic as this choice will determine which graders will review your abstract. Abstracts submitted under a topic that does not match the subject matter of the abstract may be given a lower score from reviewers.

1. Basic research, technologies, informatics, platforms
2. Tracking and analysis of cardiovascular signals
3. Big data and artificial intelligence
4. Electronic Health Records, clinical trial and decision support
5. Security, safety, data protection, regulation and health policy
6. e-Learning and patient empowerment
7. Mobile health and apps
8. Teleconsultation and telemedecine
9. Risk factors, rehabilitation and prevention
10. Remote patient monitoring and management
11. Acute cardiac care, interventional cardiology, imaging

Young investigators awards option:
This award is sponsored by the ESC working group on e-Cardiology.
Authors of the best abstracts in the YIA category (*) will have the opportunity to compete for this Award.
Four finalists will be selected to present their work as oral presentations in a dedicated session during the Congress.
The winner will receive a monetary prize (750 €) and a certificate, while the finalists will receive a certificate.

*The candidates to the Young Investigator Award will have to upload a copy of their passport or ID card as justificative of their date of birth.

Important! Prize winners commit to submitting the full manuscript pertaining to the presented research for consideration for publication.

Acronyms: If the study to be presented is known through an acronym, please indicate the name of the study, as well as the full name of the acronym.


Your abstract must list at least 1 author in order to be submitted.

Authors list:
Author(s)’ name(s) and Affiliation(s) will be listed in special fields. The name of the presenting author will have to be specified.
In all cases, the Presenter must be part of the authors list included in the submitted abstract and be able to explain his/her role in the research during presentation.
The names of authors will be published as listed on the submission form. Please make sure you have enter the full list of authors and that the information given for each author is correct, as no changes will be possible after the abstract is submitted
The authors’ order and details (names, cities, country) will be published as entered by the submitter. 
The submitter certifies that he/she has permission from all persons he/she enters as co-authors to be listed in this abstract and that they are aware that their names will appear in all publications.
If none of the authors are able to present the poster during the congress, the abstract should be withdrawn. If not, it will be considered as no-show and the Congress Programme Committee can then decide not to consider an abstract submitted by the same author the following year.


All abstracts must be submitted in English using UK English spelling with accurate grammar and spelling suitable for publication. If in doubt, please arrange for the review of your abstract by a native English speaker prior to submission.
Abstracts must contain original material neither published nor presented elsewhere prior to the European Congress on eCardiology and eHealth 2017 (in print or electronically).

Do not cut and paste symbols into your text. Use the symbols provided when you click on the Omega button.

An abstract constitutes the redaction of an original research, it should detail the objectives of the research, the methodology, the results and conclusion(s).

We recommend you structure your abstract using the following headings:

The maximum abstract size is 3 000 characters.

You can insert a table in your abstract, in order to do so, please make sure to save your table as an image (.jpg, .jpeg or .png) before inserting it in your abstract.

In addition to your text, you can add a picture.
Format: *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.png, *.gif files
Size: less than 1 MB
Measures no larger than 600 pixels(x) x 800 pixels(y).

Important: As the grading and selection process is blinded, the title and body text must not contain identifying features, ie information such as

  • Names (authors or other)
  • Names of institute (hospitals, medical schools, clinics…)
  • Cities

Also not authorised:

  • Trademarks. Use generic drug names. The use of commercial drug names, brands and registered trademarks is strictly prohibited. Drugs should be referred to by the active substance or pharmacological designation
  • Company names and location
  • Web sites and email addresses

Failure to comply with the above requirements will/may lead to automatic rejection of the submission or this information may be deleted by the abstract services and some rephrasing may occur.

Do not cite keywords or references in the abstract, as they are not allowed and will be deleted.
Do not include copyright or trademark symbols.
Limit use of acronyms and abbreviations. Define at first use with acronym or abbreviation in parentheses.
We remind you that patient’s photo should be avoided and the patient must never be identifiable in your presentation.


Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission, check spelling and grammar. The abstract will be reviewed and published (if accepted) as it has been submitted – NO EXCEPTIONS.

Do not forget to click on the VALIDATE button to register your abstract submission. 
After having submitted your abstract, you will receive an immediate automatic confirmation by email (please make sure to state your correct email address!) notifying you the abstract number.
Please use this reference in all correspondence. 
If you do not receive this confirmation, please check your SPAM or JUNK folder.

There is no limit to the number of abstracts an author/individual may submit, but the same research cannot be submitted twice, even under a different topic/category or with a different title. If you submit two abstracts with the same content, the abstract submission service will automatically keep the most recent abstract submitted and withdraw the other. Note that duplicate draft abstracts will not be deleted.

If you have difficulties in submitting your abstracts or if you need any further information, please contact 


All abstracts will be blinded for review by members of the Congress Programme Committee.

You will have until Monday 26 June, 2017 to submit your abstract. The review process will start immediately after the submission deadline.

Abstracts submitted for consideration must be an original idea, concept, or an improvement or revision of a previous idea. Submissions are peer-reviewed for scientific content, logical presentation, and current interest of the topic to the scientific community.

The final selection will be made in June.

Results will be available from Friday 21 July, 2017.
Accepted abstracts will be scheduled as posters which will become Moderated Posters during specific time slots of the Congress.

All presentations including question-and-answers will be conducted in English. Presenters are expected to speak a good English.

If the abstract is accepted, instructions and guidelines concerning the abstract presentation will be provided online.
Only contact authors will receive email message concerning the abstract(s) and will be asked to connect to their account to see the decision of the Committee. They will have to confirm the participation of the presenting author and are also responsible for informing all co-authors of the status of the abstract.

The same presenter cannot be assigned to more than 3 abstracts - co-authors should then be assigned as presenters.

All expenses (airfare, hotel....) associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract, are under the responsibility of the presenter.


Submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the author(s) to present the work if accepted. Failure to present and register for the Congress, if not justified (withdrawn), will be identified as “no-show” and will jeopardize future acceptance of abstracts. In addition, abstracts identified as “no-show” will be removed from all Congress publications.


Special registration fee for abstract presenters starting at €250.
Special registration fee for PhD students is €100. Students with student legitimation card can register for free.


Presenting your research at the European Congress on eCardiology and eHealth is a good way to make useful connections, gain international recognition for your work and valuable feedback. Be part of it to boost your career!
After the congress, all accepted abstracts will be available on the Congress Website.


  • By submitting your work, you consent to have authors’ names, affiliation and biographical material used in connection with the publication of your work.
  • Author(s) represents and warrants that he/she/they is/are sole author(s) of the work, that all authors have participated in and agree with the content and conclusions of the work, and that the work is original and does not infringe upon any copyright, proprietary, or personal right of any third party.
    The submitter hereby affirms that the work submitted is original, except for extracts from copyrighted works fully authorised by the copyright holders, and that all statements declared as facts are based on thorough examination and investigation for accurateness.
  • Submitted abstracts should not have been published in any other journals and/or online publications nor presented at any previous international congress. However, former presentation at national meetings and/or non cardiovascular specialists meetings does not disqualify.
  • The content belongs to the author(s). However, if the abstract is accepted the submitter agrees, on behalf of all co-authors, to transfer and assign to the Congress the rights to edit, publish, reproduce, distribute copies and prepare derivative works such as press releases. This includes use in indexes or search databases in print, electronic, or other media.
    Author(s) retain the right, after presentation at the Congress, to subsequently include the work in articles, books, or derivative works that he/she authors or edits, provided said use does not imply the endorsement of the Congress.

The submitter signs for all co-authors. He/she accepts responsibility for the present rules for submission and presentation on behalf of all co-authors.


The Congress Programme Committee requests all presenters to disclose information for themselves and all coauthors as applicable, or that they have nothing to disclose.
This will allow the audience to take potential conflicts of interest into account when assessing the objectivity of the poster/moderated poster.

A potential conflict of interest may arise from various relationships, past or present, such as employment, consultancy, investments and stock ownership, funding for research, family relationship, etc.
All potential conflicts of interest must be stated.
This pertains to relationships with pharmaceutical companies, biomedical device manufacturers, or other corporations whose products or services are related to the subject matter of the article. Such relationships include, but are not limited to, employment by an industrial concern, ownership of stock, membership on a standing advisory council or committee, being on the board of directors, or being publicly associated with the company or its products. Other areas of real or perceived conflict of interest could include receiving honoraria or consulting fees or receiving grants or funds from such corporations or individuals representing such corporations.


The information you supply on this application is required. You have the absolute right to access, amend and oppose any use of this personal data by writing to the address mentioned below:


Contact the support at support-ecardio@europa-organisation.com